Uusi julkaisu: A. Lopez Garcia (ed.), Running Rome and its Empire. The Places of Roman Governance

Routledge on julkaissut suomalaisten ja ulkomaalaisten antiikintutkijoiden yhdessä laatiman teoksen otsikolla Running Rome and its Empire. The Places of Roman Governance (ed. Antonio Lopez Garcia). Antiikintutkimuksen verkosto onnittelee tekijöitä!


This volume explores the transformation of public space and administrative activities in republican and imperial Rome through an interdisciplinary examination of the topography of power.

Throughout the Roman world building projects created spaces for different civic purposes, such as hosting assemblies, holding senate meetings, the administration of justice, housing the public treasury, and the management of the city through different magistracies, offices, and even archives. These administrative spaces – both open and closed – characterised Roman life throughout the Republic and High Empire until the administrative and judicial transformations of the fourth century CE. This volume explores urban development and the dynamics of administrative expansion, linking them with some of the most recent archaeological discoveries. In doing so, it examines several facets of the transformation of Roman administration over this period, considering new approaches to and theories on the uses of public space and incorporating new work in Roman studies that focuses on the spatial needs of human users, rather than architectural style and design.

This fascinating collection of essays is of interest to students and scholars working on Roman space and urbanism, Roman governance, and the running of the Roman Empire more broadly.


Introduction; 1. An Introduction to the Places of Roman Governance – Antonio Lopez Garcia 

Part I Theory and Methodology; 2. The Administrative Topography of Rome: Mapping administrative space and the spatial dynamics of Roman Republicanism – Juhana Heikonen, Kaius Tuori, Antonio Lopez Garcia, Samuli Simelius, and Anna-Maria Wilskman; 3. Models of Administrative Space in the Roman World Between Public and Private – Kaius Tuori 

Part II The space of the magistrate and politics; 4. Legislative Voting in the Forum Romanum – David Rafferty; 5. Where’s Vestorius? Locating Rome’s Aediles – Timothy Smith; 6. Moving magistrates in a Roman city space: The Pompeian model – Samuli Simelius 

Part III The space of the institutions; 7. The Rise and Consolidation of a Bureaucratic System: New Data on the Praefectura Urbana and its Spaces in Rome – Antonio Lopez Garcia; 8. Scholae and Collegia: ‘Spaces for Semi-Administrative’ Associations in the Imperial Age – Marco Brunetti; 9. Civic Archives and Roman Rule: Spatial aspects of Roman hegemony in Asia Minor from Republic to Empire – Bradley Jordan; 10. Between Private and Public: Women’s Presence in Procuratorial Praetoria – Anthony Álvarez Melero 

Part IV Displaying authority over the public space and religious space; 11. From Honour to Dishonour –The Different Readings of Columna Maenia – Anna-Maria Wilsman; 12. A Measure of Economy? The Organisation of Public Games in the City of Rome and the Development of the Urban Cityscape – Jessica Bartz; 13. The administration of the imperial property under Constantine in the light of his donations to the Church of Rome – Paolo Liverani; 14. Topography of power in the conflict of the basilicas between Valentinian II and Ambrose of Milan in A.D. 385/6 – Jasmin Lukkari; Coda; 15. Afterword: Space and Roman Administration – Antonio Lopez Garcia.