Seminar 14.2.: The cult of saints in a late antique city: Hippo c.420

Prof. Robert Wisneiwski will read a paper The cult of saints in a late antique city: Hippo c.420 and lead a discussion in the Medieval Seminar of UH tomorrow, that is, on Wed. 14 Feb, at 14:15-15:45. The venue is Room U2071 in the Main Building (University of Helsinki). Access through Zoom (see below) is also provided.

Robert is professor of History at Warsaw University and has published extensively on late antiquity. He has led digital humanities projects on Presbyters/priests and on the ERC funded Cult of Saints and his publications include
The Beginnings of the Cult of Relics (1st edn, Oxford University Press 2018)
Christian Divination in Late Antiquity (1st edn, Amsterdam University Press 2020)

The zoom link is:
Meeting ID: 401 802 8203 and Passcode: 1234