
Julkaisu: Arctos vol. LVII (2023)

Klassillis-filologisen yhdistyksen julkaiseman tieteellisen aikakauskirjan Arctoksen numero 57 (2023) on julkaistu. Tiedote ja lehdessä julkaistut kirja-arvostelut ovat luettavissa lehden verkkosivuilla. Arctos 57:n tieteelliset artikkelit julkaistaan verkkosivuilla avoimesti vuoden kuluttua painetun lehden ilmestymisestä.

Julkaisu: Arctos vol. LVII (2023) Read More »

Julkaisu: Björn Forsén & Antti Lampinen (eds.), Oriental Mirages. Stereotypes and identity creation in the Ancient World

Franz Steiner Verlag on julkaissut sarjassaan ’Oriens et Occidens: Studien zu antiken Kulturkontakten und ihrem Nachleben’ artikkelikokoelman Oriental Mirages: Stereotypes and Identity Creation in the Ancient World (eds. Björn Forsén & Antti Lampinen). Kirja perustuu vuonna 2019 Suomen Ateenan-instituutissa pidettyyn kollokvioon aiheeltaan ‘Creating and Strengthening Identities: Greek and Roman Stereotypes of the East’.

Julkaisu: Björn Forsén & Antti Lampinen (eds.), Oriental Mirages. Stereotypes and identity creation in the Ancient World Read More »

Julkaisu: Marja-Leena Hänninen, ’Naisia vallan kulisseissa’ (Otava, 2024)

Dosentti Marja-Leena Hännisen Otavan kustantama yleistajuinen uutuuskirja Naisia vallan kulisseissa on julkaistu. ”Muinaisen Rooman ensimmäisten keisarien äidit, vaimot, sisaret ja tyttäret olivat valtapelien toimijoita. Kunnianhimoisimmat ja lahjakkaimmat heistä vaikuttivat tapahtumien kulkuun. Keisariperheen naiset joutuivat aina myös alttiiksi julkisuuden katseelle, ja joskus tämä koitui heidän kohtalokseen. Huhuista kehittyi tarinoita, jotka kasvoivat myyttisiin mittoihin. Kirja keskittyy Julius-Claudiusten, Rooman ensimmäisen keisaridynastian, hovielämään juonitteluineen.” Kirjan tarkempaa esittelyä: linkki. Kirja on saatavilla kovakantisena, e-kirjana tai äänikirjana mm. Otavan sivuilla. Antiikintutkimuksen verkosto onnittelee auktoria!

Julkaisu: Marja-Leena Hänninen, ’Naisia vallan kulisseissa’ (Otava, 2024) Read More »

Julkaisu: Helikonin numero 1/2023 luettavissa netissä

Suomen Ateenan-instituutin ystävien jäsenlehti Helikonin numero 1/2023 on nyt luettavissa yhdistyksen lehtiarkistossa! Tässä numerossa: MARTTI LEIWO & RISTO PEKKA PENNANEN: Eero Heimolinna in memoriamVESA VAHTIKARI: PääkirjoitusKATJA VARAKAS: Aigina, Ateenan vauras kiistakumppani – myyteistä pistaasioihinBJÖRN FORSÉN: Vuorten viemää – elämyksiä Kreikan luonnosta IIIMARTTI LEIWO: Käsiala ja kieli. Sotilaiden kirjeitä Egyptissä 2. vuosisadalla jaa.PETRA PAKKANEN: Kiitos Maria Martzoukou!PETRA PAKKANEN: Henkilöstöuudistuksia instituutissaSuomen Ateenan-instituutin ystävät ry:n toimintakertomus vuodelta 2022Suomen Ateenan-instituutin ystävät ry:n toimintasuunnitelma vuodelle 2023Tapahtumia Lehtiarkistosta löytyvät myös lehden aiemmat numerot. Lähde: https://ateenaninstituutinystavat.fi/2024/02/05/helikon-1-2023-luettavissa-saiyn-verkkosivuilla/

Julkaisu: Helikonin numero 1/2023 luettavissa netissä Read More »

Julkaisu: Elina M. Salminen, ’Age, Gender and Status in Macedonian Society, 550-300 BCE. Intersectional Approaches to Mortuary Archaeology’

Edinburgh University Press on julkaissut Elina M. Salmisen monografian Age, Gender and Status in Macedonian Society, 550-300 BCE. Intersectional Approaches to Mortuary Archaeology. Linkki julkaisijan sivuille. Kirjan esittely julkaisijan sivuilla: Provides large-scale analysis of age, gender and status in Macedonian society Building on the largest sample of Archaic to Hellenistic burials from Macedon synthesized to date, this work provides new insight into the society that gave birth to Philip II and Alexander the Great. An intersectional focus on gender, age, and status reveals the lives of Macedonians only rarely discussed, from non-elite men to women and children. Through quantitative analysis and case-studies, the reader gets a view of the complexity and nuance of a society sometimes reduced to mighty warriors and fierce royal women. Change over time is also discussed, introducing depth into the historical narrative that is largely limited to the Late Classical and Hellenistic periods. Finally, the book addresses the promise and challenges of applying intersectionality, a framework that is immensely fruitful but which was developed for contemporary contexts, to archaeological contexts.

Julkaisu: Elina M. Salminen, ’Age, Gender and Status in Macedonian Society, 550-300 BCE. Intersectional Approaches to Mortuary Archaeology’ Read More »

Uusi julkaisu: T. Nuorluoto, Latin Female Cognomina. A Study on the Personal Names of Roman Women

Suomen Tiedeseura on julkaissut uuden kirjan: Latin Female Cognomina. A Study on the Personal Names of Roman Women, Tuomo Nuorluoto (2023). Voit ostaa kirjan kirjakauppa Tiedekirjasta, Snellmaninkatu 13, 00170 Helsinki tai lukea sen netissä. Antiikintutkimuksen verkosto onnittelee tekijää! Tiivistelmä: This book is about cognomina, more specifically the cognomina used by Roman women. Chronologically speaking, the cognomen was the latest component of the Roman onomastic system. Eventually, it was also the last component that survived in the nomenclature of most Romans. The use of individual cognomina started to spread throughout the Roman society in the late Republican period and, during the early Imperial period, the cognomen became the primary individual name of Roman men and women. For women, this development was of particular significance. Throughout the Republican period, most of them seem to have borne only one name, i.e. the feminine form of their father’s nomen gentilicium. In a sense, women in this period were, from an onomastic point of view, seen as members of their patrilineal family or gens rather than as real individuals. This apparent lack of women’s individual names has often baffled scholars, even if it is, by now, clear that women sometimes did have praenomina, i.e. first names of more personal nature. The use of female praenomina, however, was never a universal practice. It was only through the advent of the cognomen that all Roman women, for the first time, received a name that gave them a true individual identity in the public eye. Lähde: https://scientiarum.fi/fi/uusi-julkaisu-latin-female-cognomina-a-study-on-the-personal-names-of-roman-women/

Uusi julkaisu: T. Nuorluoto, Latin Female Cognomina. A Study on the Personal Names of Roman Women Read More »

Uusi julkaisu: A. Lopez Garcia (ed.), Running Rome and its Empire. The Places of Roman Governance

Routledge on julkaissut suomalaisten ja ulkomaalaisten antiikintutkijoiden yhdessä laatiman teoksen otsikolla Running Rome and its Empire. The Places of Roman Governance (ed. Antonio Lopez Garcia). Antiikintutkimuksen verkosto onnittelee tekijöitä! Kuvaus: This volume explores the transformation of public space and administrative activities in republican and imperial Rome through an interdisciplinary examination of the topography of power. Throughout the Roman world building projects created spaces for different civic purposes, such as hosting assemblies, holding senate meetings, the administration of justice, housing the public treasury, and the management of the city through different magistracies, offices, and even archives. These administrative spaces – both open and closed – characterised Roman life throughout the Republic and High Empire until the administrative and judicial transformations of the fourth century CE. This volume explores urban development and the dynamics of administrative expansion, linking them with some of the most recent archaeological discoveries. In doing so, it examines several facets of the transformation of Roman administration over this period, considering new approaches to and theories on the uses of public space and incorporating new work in Roman studies that focuses on the spatial needs of human users, rather than architectural style and design. This fascinating collection of essays is of interest to students and scholars working on Roman space and urbanism, Roman governance, and the running of the Roman Empire more broadly. Sisällysluettelo: Introduction; 1. An Introduction to the Places of Roman Governance – Antonio Lopez Garcia  Part I Theory and Methodology; 2. The Administrative Topography of Rome: Mapping administrative space and the spatial dynamics of Roman Republicanism – Juhana Heikonen, Kaius Tuori, Antonio Lopez Garcia, Samuli Simelius, and Anna-Maria Wilskman; 3. Models of Administrative Space in the Roman World Between Public and Private – Kaius Tuori  Part II The space of the magistrate and politics; 4. Legislative Voting in the Forum Romanum – David Rafferty; 5. Where’s Vestorius? Locating Rome’s Aediles – Timothy Smith; 6. Moving magistrates in a Roman city space: The Pompeian model – Samuli Simelius  Part III The space of the institutions; 7. The Rise and Consolidation of a Bureaucratic System: New Data on the Praefectura Urbana and its Spaces in Rome – Antonio Lopez Garcia; 8. Scholae and Collegia: ‘Spaces for Semi-Administrative’ Associations in the Imperial Age – Marco Brunetti; 9. Civic Archives and Roman Rule: Spatial aspects of Roman hegemony in Asia Minor from Republic to Empire – Bradley Jordan; 10. Between Private and Public: Women’s Presence in Procuratorial Praetoria – Anthony Álvarez Melero  Part IV Displaying authority over the public space and religious space; 11. From Honour to Dishonour –The Different Readings of Columna Maenia – Anna-Maria Wilsman; 12. A Measure of Economy? The Organisation of Public Games in the City of Rome and the Development of the Urban Cityscape – Jessica Bartz; 13. The administration of the imperial property under Constantine in the light of his donations to the Church of Rome – Paolo Liverani; 14. Topography of power in the conflict of the basilicas between Valentinian II and Ambrose of Milan in A.D. 385/6 – Jasmin Lukkari; Coda; 15. Afterword: Space and Roman Administration – Antonio Lopez Garcia.

Uusi julkaisu: A. Lopez Garcia (ed.), Running Rome and its Empire. The Places of Roman Governance Read More »

Uusi julkaisu: J. Peltonen, Masculine Ideals and Alexander the Great

FT Jaakkojuhani Peltonen (Tampereen yliopisto) on julkaissut uuden monografian otsikolla Masculine Ideals and Alexander the Great. An Exemplary Man in the Roman and Medieval World. Antiikintutkimuksen verkosto onnittelee tekijää! Kirja on luettavissa myös digitaalisena open access -versiona Routledgen sivujen kautta ja täällä. Abstrakti: From premodern societies onward, humans have constructed and produced images of ideal masculinity to define the roles available for boys to grow into, and images for adult men to imitate. The figure of Alexander the Great has fascinated people both within and outside academia. As a historical character, military commander, cultural figure and representative of the male gender, Alexander’s popularity is beyond dispute. Almost from the moment of his death Alexander’s deeds have had a paradigmatic aspect: for over 2300 years he has been represented as a paragon of manhood – an example to be followed by other men – and through his myth people have negotiated assumptions about masculinity. This work breaks new ground by considering the ancient and medieval reception of Alexander the Great from a gender studies perspective. It explores the masculine ideals of the Greco-Roman and medieval past through the figure of Alexander the Great, analysing the gendered views of masculinities in those periods and relates them to the ways in which Alexander’s masculinity was presented. It does this by investigating Alexander’s appearance and its relation to definitions of masculinity, the way his childhood and adulthood are presented, his martial performance and skill, proper and improper sexual behaviour, and finally through his emotions and mental attributes. Masculine Ideals and Alexander the Great will appeal to students and scholars alike as well as to those more generally interested in the portrayal of masculinity and gender, particularly in relation to Alexander the Great and his image throughout history.

Uusi julkaisu: J. Peltonen, Masculine Ideals and Alexander the Great Read More »