Antti Lampinen

Antti Lampinen

Organisaatio: Turun yliopisto

Nimeke ja/tai oppiarvo: FT, dosentti


Olen antiikin historian ja kirjallisuuden tutkija, jonka kiinnostus kohdistuu etenkin antiikin historiankirjoitukseen ja etnografiseen kirjoittamiseen, kulttuurikontakteihin ja stereotyyppeihin antiikin ajattelussa, antiikin maailmankuvien rakentumiseen ja niiden jälkivaikutukseen, sekä hellenistisen ja roomalaisajan historiaan.

Tiedeviestinnän kielet: suomi, ruotsi, englanti, italia


-‘Barbarian Sages’ between Christianity and Paganism in Ammianus Marcellinus and the Cosmographia Aethici’, in Being Pagan, Being Christian in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, Katja Ritari, Jan R. Stenger & William van Andringa (eds.), [AHEAD 4 – Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences], Helsinki University Press, Helsinki 145-78.

-'Condemning Mobility: Nativist and Exclusionist Rhetoric in the Second-Century “Sophistic” Discourse on Human Movement’, in Mediterranean Flows: People, Ideas and Objects in Motion, A. Usacheva & E. Mataix Ferrándiz (eds.) 2023, Brill Schöningh, Leiden & Paderborn, 45-70.

- ‘Mediterranean as a Contested Environment in Late Antiquity’, in Seafaring and Mobility in the Late Antique Mediterranean, A. Lampinen & E. Mataix Ferrándiz (eds.) 2022, Bloomsbury, 49-68.

- ‘Difference and Essentialism: The Polemics of Physiognomy in the Late Roman Empire’, in Negotiation, Collaboration and Conflict in Ancient and Medieval Communities, C. Krötzl, K. Mustakallio & M. Tamminen (eds.) 2022, Routledge, 13-48.

- ‘Etnografinen kirjoittaminen Bysantissa’, Tuhannen vuoden kirjavuori: Kirjallisia näkökulmia Bysantin kulttuuriin, toim. P. Houni & K. Knaapi 2021, Acta Byzantina Fennica, Supplementa 1, 125-163.

- ‘A Merchant-Geographer’s Identity? Networks, Knowledge and Religious Affinity in the Expositio totius mundi et gentium’, in Religious Identities in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Walking Together & Parting Ways, I. Lindstedt, N. Nikki and R. Tuori (eds.) 2021, Brill, Leiden, 16-40.

- ‘‘Ethnic’ Divination in Roman Imperial Literature’, in Divination and Knowledge in Greco-Roman Antiquity, C. Addey (ed.) 2021, Routledge, Abingdon, 218-47.

- ‘Physiognomy, Ekphrasis, and the ‘Ethnographicising’ Register in the Second Sophistic’, in Visualizing the invisible with the human body: Physiognomy and ekphrasis in the ancient world, J. C. Johnson & A. Stavru (eds.) 2019, De Gruyter, Berlin, 227-70.

- ‘‘Interpreters of Interpreters’ – Oracular and Grammatical Hermeneutics’, Mnemosyne 72 (2019), co-authored with Minna Seppänen, 883-907.

- ‘Against Hope? The Untimely Elpis of Northern Barbarians’, in Hope in Ancient Literature, History and Art. Ancient Emotions I, G. Kazantzidis & D. Spatharas (eds.) 2018, de Gruyter, Berlin, 275-95.

- ‘Forging the Feel of Ancient Ethnography in Pseudo-Jerome’s Cosmography of Aethicus Ister’, in Animo Decipiendi? Rethinking Fakes and Authorship in Classical, Late Antique, & Early Christian Works, ed. Antonio Guzmán & Javier Martínez, Barkhuis, Groningen 2018, 229-44.

- ''We know what you remember’. Notes on the Ecclesiastical Discourse about Religious Acculturation and Subaltern Memories in Late Antique and Early Medieval Gaul’, Acta Classica Univ. Scient. Debrecen. 53 (2017), 215-39.

- ‘A Helping Hand from the Divine. Notes on the Triumphalist Iconography of the Early Theodosians’, Acta Byzantina Fennica 4 (2015), 9-38.

- ‘Fragments from the ’Middle Ground’ – Posidonius’ Northern Ethnography’, Arctos (Acta Philologica Fennica) 48 (2014), 229-59.

- ‘Θεῷ μεμελημένε Φοίβῳ – Oracular Functionaries at Claros and Didyma in the Imperial Period’, in Studies in Ancient Oracles and Divination, Mika Kajava (ed.), Institutum Romanum Finlandiae & Quasar, Rome 2013, 49-88.

- ‘Migrating Motifs of Northern Barbarism – Depicting Gauls and Germans in Imperial Literature’, in The Faces of the Other: Religious Rivalry and Ethnic Encounters in the Later Roman World, Maijastina Kahlos (ed.), Brepols, Turnhout 2012, pp. 199-235.